02 PM | 29 Jun

Melbourne Patching Circle and Media Lab Melbourne Present Miller Puckette: #puredata #community #geekgirl

Melbourne Patching Circle and Media Lab Melbourne Present Miller Puckette

The creator of Pure Data and Max/Msp will be doing a showcase of his current projects, giving talks about multimedia, and providing insights into the tools that have revolutionised computer based multimedia.

Sat July 7th: 2pm -8pm:136a Cromwell St Collingwood, Melbourne, AUS

RSVP by 2nd July here (fb) or to patchmelbourne@googlegroups.com

Melbourne Patching circle is an open community group of Melbourne based new media artists. We are looking for people to contribute an installation, performance, demonstration, workshop, to this event, (this does not need to be max/msp specific). Contact the organisers via googlegroups.

About: Pd (aka Pure Data) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing. It is the third major branch of the family of patcher programming languages known as Max (Max/FTS, ISPW Max, Max/MSP, jMax, etc.) originally developed by Miller Puckette and company at IRCAM. The core of Pd is written and maintained by Miller Puckette and includes the work of many developers, making the whole package very much a community effort.

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