07 AM | 28 Mar

A “Coffee in Suspense” [#geekgirl]

Caffè sospeso

[Photo via The Washington Post, by Michael S. Williamson ]

“There is a new form of active solidarity with the poor that started in Italy and apparently now also in Spain. Someone pays for 7 cups of coffee but only drinks 3. The 4 that are paid but not consumed then are (according to google translate) ‘pending’. People who cannot afford coffee can come to the cafe and ask for a pending coffee. The same is done with food.” [Interpretation by Josephine Bosma via Rosapoo].

[Update: Apparently this is an actual established Italian tradition called a “Caffè sospeso” – a “coffee in suspense” – that has been revived due to distressing economic conditions. Hat tip to Neural Revue for the added info.]

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