07 PM | 09 Sep

An Open Letter From the Guy who did that Sweary Website

The Guy That Did That Sweary Website“We need to ignore the social convention that it is taboo to challenge other people’s ideas, or that questioning things is adversarial and rude. We need to be vulnerable enough to put our thoughts out there and engage with people honestly. We need to call out things we believe to be wrong. We need to stand up for what we believe to be right.

These next three years are going to be difficult for people on the progressive side of politics in Australia, but I implore you to not descend into personal attacks and hate. This may seem somewhat hypocritical for me to say in light of my sweary rant, but what I’m saying is that we should continue to have sweary rants about the government and politics, but when we’re talking to actual people, we need to convince them, not turn them off. We need to connect with them and persuade them that a progressive Australia is better than a conservative one. We need to make them believe that it would be fucking idiotic to vote for the LNP next time around.

I believe that the truth is on our side, but we need to have the courage to stand up for it.

Jesse Richardson, Brisbane.

Published under a creative commons CC BY-ND licence.”

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