02 PM | 10 Jan

#Heart of a #Dog a #film by Laurie Anderson #trailer [#geekgirl]

An impressionistic and musical meditation on a pets death with prelude by the artist Laurie Anderson, who enjoyed a very deep relationship with her dog, with following soundtrack.

The fact that Heart of a Dog is about her dearly departed rat terrier Lolabelle might surprise some – although her late husband Lou Reed does have the last word on the album, which ranges from incredible revelations about her childhood, to the chill of the modern surveillance state, to the mystical depths of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. SMH

“Spellbinding. Smart, silly, sad, and relentlessly honest- one of the most moving and provocative films you’ll see this year.”- New York Magazine

Wildly inventive.. philosophically astute, emotionally charged.”- New York Times

Heart of a Dog

Laurie Anderson website

Concert for Dogs in New York

Heart of a Dog Album of Amazon

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