08 PM | 22 Mar

#Help stop the senseless killing of #Waterbirds & #Ducks #ALV [#geekgirl]

Support the end of Duck hunting.


The Victorian duck hunting season has begun. Animal Liberation Victoria rescue teams are on the wetlands, preparing to save as many waterbirds as they can when the dawn killings continue.

YOU can help us stop this slaughter! Be a voice for waterbirds by signing the petition to ban duck shooting: SHARE IF YOU CARE

Each year in Victoria (Australia) the tranquillity of our wetlands is destroyed by a State sanctioned massacre. Starting on Saturday the 21st of March 2015, gun shots will ring out at dawn and then every morning after that for the next three months. Our native water birds will be under attack from thousands of shooters, who are often inexperienced and reckless. Many birds will be shot but not killed outright and will be left to die slow torturous deaths or will drown, unable to swim or fly any further due to painful injuries.

Our native water birds have the right to live unharmed and in peace in their natural home. Please help to end this barbarism, tell our Premier the killing must end now!

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