08 PM | 24 Jul

Vali Myers–A Memoir

“Vali Myers–A Memoir” by Gianni Menichetti Published by The Golda Foundation . California

The Australian artist, Vali Myers, was a legend in her own time. An exquisite memoir of this incredible artist and dancer by her lover and friend of more than 30 years is now available.

It is hoped that this fascinating book will help Vali Myers get the wider recognition she so clearly deserves.

For further information, please visit www.goldafoundation.org

or contact, Bob Yarra, at bobbyarra@yahoo.com

07 PM | 24 Jul

Software Freedom Day

Software Freedom Day – Saturday September 15th Melbourne Town Hall – Get involved

Last year we put on an event to celebrate our own software freedom and to let other people know about it. Along with free and open source (FOSS) software we showcased different FOSS groups and their interests. There were talks and we watched the code breakers. This year we plan to run the event again but with a slightly different focus.

We’ve decided to drop the talks and have demo zones instead. Within the demo zones there will be scope to do 10 minute talks and demos. We will showcase all that is cool in FOSS as well as have a community stand and a burning station. We plan to show videos too.

To do this we need volunteers to help out with demo zones, at the community table and at the burning station. We’ll also need people to help spruik the event out the front of the town hall.

Computerbank will provide two computers at each of the demo zones. LUV will supply the burning station. MLUG have suggested they can bring in a few laptops running different distros. Melbourne Wireless will provide access points.

The community stand will be the place where groups can leave information about themselves. Members from different groups can be rostered to help with it. We can also hang posters on display boards.

Depending on funding, we imagine having a number of t-shirts available for volunteers helping at demo zones or with spruiking. People from groups who have their own branded t-shirts (other) should wear them if possible.

We have a planning wiki over at http://vic.computerbank.org.au/wiki/SoftwareFreedomDay and our main page for the event is at http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/melb

We need to know who is interested in attending and helping on the day. We need to know if your group wants to be represented on the community table?

If you have a preference to help with a particular demo-zone or task don’t forget to let us know (check the wiki for a list of demo-zones).

We also need help with letting the general public know about this event, we need people to help put posters and flyers out there. If you can help with this please get in touch. We really want to get the word out there!

If anyone has any ideas or opportunities for publicity we’d love your help. We really want the day to rock! If you are on mailing lists or forums you might consider plugging our event in your sig.

We have a Melbourne SFD planning and volunteers list, if you are planning on helping out as a volunteer or if you are coming along to represent your group, let me know, and we’ll subscribe you to it.

Software Freedom Day – only 53 days to go. Get involved. πŸ™‚

Feel free to forward this email far and wide.


Kylie Davies President/Coordinator Computerbank Victoria Inc http://vic.computerbank.org.au