06 PM | 12 Jul

Emerging Technologies Mentorship

2007 ANAT Emerging Technologies Mentorship

ANAT is offering the opportunity for young and emerging practitioners working with distributed, portable, online, wearable, gaming, mobile and emerging platforms to undertake a three-month mentorship with an established practitioner of their choice.

The mentorship enables an emerging artist to explore new creative directions, to expand technical skills and increase knowledge of networks, debates and business practice. Applicants are invited to select a mentor and develop a program of activity spanning a three-month period. By utilising emerging technologies the mentor may be accessed locally, nationally or internationally and the successful applicant will maintain a blog for the duration of the mentorship on the ANAT server.

Applicants must be emerging technologies practitioners who are 30 years or under. The mentorship will provide a fee for the mentoree ($7,200 excl GST) and a fee for the mentor ($1,800 excl GST). The mentorship program should be completed by early December 2007.

ANAT APPLICATIONS CLOSE 3 AUGUST 2007 ANAT guidelines and application forms are available on our web site  http://www.anat.org.au.

06 PM | 12 Jul

Gonzo on MySpace

Fuck me dead I’ve finally worked out how to add a song to myspace, I’ve installed the mighty Evolution Control Committee’s ‘Promiscuous’ on the PolyEster Books myspace www.myspace.com/polyesterbooks check it out for some serious toe tapping action.

If you like that morsal, mosey over to www.myspace.com/theecc for more aural treats.

I’m sure if you’re that way inclined you’d also appreciate www.myspace.com/thebranflakes and last but not least possibly the best DJ in the world www.myspace/steinski

Tell ’em Gonzo sent you!

05 PM | 12 Jul



A unique and revealing insight into the global threat posed by the current epidemic of H5N1 avian influenza was provided to more than 150 guests at the 2007 Snowdon Lecture held recently at CSIRO Livestock Industries’ Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) in Geelong.

The Lecture, Avian Influenza Epizooties: Where do we stand in 2007, was presented by Dr Bernard Vallat, Director General of the Paris-based World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).

According to Dr Vallat the current epidemic of highly pathogenic avian influenza is a major global concern. One of the main constraints to controlling the outbreaks is the weakness of national veterinary services in many developing countries.

Dr Vallat discussed the OIE’s assessment that capacity building and improvement of veterinary services and infrastructures is essential in more than 100 countries, not only for the current avian influenza crisis but for all future emerging and re-emerging diseases linked with globalisation and climatic changes.

“The current highly pathogenic H5N1 strain with its rapid spread over continents and its pandemic potential has led to a global influenza crisis,” Dr Vallat said. “Although the majority of countries infected in 2006 succeeded in eradicating the disease, the situation in some countries remains very worrisome.”

More info on the CSIRO website 

05 PM | 12 Jul

Keeping up with the Joneses

Dawn Jones has recently learned that she is “doctor conceived” and sets out to find her twenty-seven siblings. That’s the premise of “Where Are The Joneses?” a new interactive comedy done in the style of “The Office” that you can participate in writing via wiki and watch online at YouTube. You can also follow Dawn’s adventures via her Twitter udpates.

Dawn Jones: http://twitter.com/dawnjones