08 AM | 07 Jul

Pownce or Twitter?

Pownce, the new nanoblogging service that doubles as a person-to-person file transfer product, is often compared to Twitter. Both products enable you to “nanoblog” quick updates on what you’re doing. But the products have fundamental and important differences, and if you’re curious about which one you should be using, you need to know about them.


08 AM | 07 Jul

Activist Media Kit

The Audio/Video edition of NGO-in-a-Box is a collection of Free and Open Source Software tools, guides and tutorials for multimedia production and distribution. Produced by Tactical Tech in collaboration with EngageMedia the edition has just been revised with new tools, updated versions of the software, the ability to browse the content by tags and some new categories.

More information here: http://www.engagemedia.org/Members/andrewl/news/audio-video-toolkit-updated/ View the toolkit online: http://av.ngoinabox.org

06 PM | 02 Jul

One Life Exhibition

World Vision invites you to attend the Launch of our Internationally acclaimed One Life Exhibition, a virtual African village recently visited by 7,000 people in New Zealand. This exhibition has travelled across Asia and the United States appearing at the New York Grand Central Station to rave reviews.

One Life Experience is a 150 square metre interactive exhibition representing an African Village.  MP3 Players and visual effects transport visitors to Africa, directing guests through one of three true life stories. Each one translating the experiences of a child whose life has been impacted by HIV/AIDS.

Sydney Media and VIP launch:  Thursday July 5th, 11am. Venue: Sydney Square – Sydney Town Hall

Melbourne Media and VIP launch:  Sunday July 22nd, 11am Venue: Federation Square – carpark behind Fed Square – CBD.

Elly Bradbury Head, Ambassador Program World Vision m. 0414 750 006 p. (02) 6684 8190 f.  (02) 6684 7398

06 PM | 02 Jul

Pownce:Yet another Twitter clone?

Pownce, just launched by a team that includes Digg’s Kevin Rose, is a file-transfer and nanoblog service that does absolutely nothing original: you can get file transfer from Tubes and from IM clients, and nanoblogging on Twitter and Jaiku. It’s fun and easy to use, and a great platform for teams. Pownce is good not because it’s a brilliant new concept. It’s not. It is good because it does well several things we already understand.

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