01 PM | 25 Jun

Liquid Architecture 8- Festival of Sound Arts

Liquid Architecture, Australia’s premier sound-arts festival, celebrates its eighth consecutive year with concerts, artist talks, workshops, forums, live performances, exhibitions, installations, audio-visuals and recorded work. Featuring our most imaginative musicians, composers, film-sound designers and media artists in a sense-specific feast for the ears including international and national guests. Program will tour to Brisbane, Sydney & Melbourne; for information regarding tickets, dates and venues, please visit the Liquid Architecture website.Presale Tickets & Season Passes: www.moshtix.com.au URL: http://www.liquidarchitecture.org.au

12 PM | 25 Jun

Twitter news

Have you heard about how the World is heating up? Apparently, we’re heading towards a dramatic climate crisis. Thankfully, the folks at Live Earth are Twittering daily with simple ways we can make an impact and help ourselves out. For example, did you know you can save $200 a year just by washing your clothes in cold water? It’s true, — it’s science!

Live Earth updates: http://twitter.com/liveearth070707

Now for Some Science Fiction

David Hewlett plays Dr. Rodney McKay on Stargate: Atlantis — a sci-fi tv series about an international team of scientists and military personnel on a one-way expedition to the distant Pegasus galaxy. Follow David on Twitter and get a glimpse into the life of a professional actor and self-described Geek.

Dave Hewlett: http://twitter.com/dhewlett

What is the Matrix? Is it a film by the Wachowski brothers starring Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, and Hugo Weaving? Yes it is. But it’s also the inspiration for a cool Japanese Twitter mash-up. Check out these Twitter updates as they stream downwards Matrix style.

Twitter Matrix: http://tinyurl.com/2duo7x

12 PM | 25 Jun

Freud in Ireland, Arts

DUBLIN – The grandson of the founder of psychoanalysis who was born in Berlin un 1922 but emigrated to England with his family when Hitler came to power, is considered the greatest living British artist. The Irish Museum of Modern Art presents all of his works, from the forties, with choices that aim at underlining his relationship with Dublin and Eire. From the rooster heads seen on butchers’ stalls in Dublin – Dead Cock’s Head (1951) – to the portrait of a modern businessman – The Donegal Man (2006), representing today’s Ireland, the wealthiest country in Europe – his local interests also include the world of horse races and the popular districts of the capital. There are numerous selfportraits and large nudes, that make up most of his production since the eighties, including in particular Leigh under the skylight (1994 or the recent Irishwoman on a Bed (2004). One cn a take advantage of the trip to Dublin to see the workshop of his contemporary artist, Francis Bacon, recently rebuilt in the superb Hugh Lane Gallery.

Lucian Freud at the Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin

  • until 2 September 2007.
12 PM | 25 Jun

Design in Energy: SO WATT

Who could imagine today living without electricity? It is an integral part of our daily life, and yet we have to preserve it. How can we behave in a more conservative and reasonable manner when electricity is perfectly immaterial, invisible, intangible? Thirty designers from all over the world – Bless, Solarlab, 5.5 designers, Positive Flow…- have tried to answer this question through some fifty projects.

New esthetics

The exhibition is organized into six themes that present a responsible relation to the consumption of electric energy. Design helps the latter become visible, tangible and inspires new esthetics. Certain objects symbolize it, like Gilles Belley’s adaptor that materializes the loss of energy due to electric appliances left in the sleep mode. The idea gains credibility if we realize that on the scale of France, the estimate of the consumption due only to appliances left – often uselessly – in the sleep mode is equivalent to the annual consumption of 1 million homes… Other objects, such as lamps, awnings or wallpaper designed by Static! react according to the house’s level of consumption and change form or color. Lastly, the Freeplay radios and flashlights produce their own energy.


If you don’t understand French you are best reading the description of the exhibition on the site (above). Great photos and some very clever examples of alternative energy sources/design.

Gallery : http://www.edf.com/211i/Accueilfr/FondationEDF.html

The show is at Espace EDF Electra – the gallery belonging to Fondacion EDF, the charitable arm of French power company Electricité de France – and continues until 9 September/07.