11 AM | 25 Jun

Brain control devices

-> As much as it may seem the stuff of science fiction, Hitachi researchers have developed a device which measures changes in brain blood flow, and by using biofeedback, allows the user to control external devices. Currently the technology is still quite basic, and rather than think of moving the object, users instead do sums or sing a song. The device detects the blood flow changes as the frontal cortex and translates them into a control signal for whatever device the user wishes to run. In the Hitachi experiment, a TV was turned on and off and channels changed. ***Ed: With more refinement, this device would be a blessing to physically disabled people such as those having suffered a severe stroke.**


11 AM | 25 Jun

Excerpt the good/bad of Web 2.0 tools

Motorola is one of the biggest adopters of Web collaboration tools, with 4,400 blogs, 4,200 wiki pages, and 2,600 people actively doing content tagging and social bookmarking using Scuttle software, with more accessing the system. Under an initiative called Intranet 2.0, the tools are used mostly for research and information sharing–so instead of salespeople developing a whole new pitch for every client, they can reuse pieces of pitches posted on a wiki. Motorola employees also can more easily find people with experience in specific areas using social networking software from Visible Path or checking author pages on wikis. “It actually lets people see new relationships–to see maps of what smart people and like people have done,” says Toby Redshaw, Motorola’s VP in charge of Enterprise 2.0 technologies. The result is that the company is building knowledge centers around particular problems and products. That’s the end goal for Schueller–that employees and partners searching for information on the intranet, creating profiles, tagging documents, and sharing bookmarks make the content more valuable. Call it social software or user-generated content, the risk is that if people don’t find the tool useful out of the gate, they won’t contribute the content that builds this virtuous cycle. IT teams have a critical opportunity to make it worth people’s while. As one IT exec at the conference put it, “If they come, they will build it.”

Entire story

10 AM | 25 Jun

Dulwich Hill DayZZZe, Arts

Dulwich Hill DayZZZe

WHEN: Opening (‘Matt’s Housewarming’) Wednesday July 4, 6pm Thur June 21-30 (Thur-Sat 11-5)

WHERE: DON’T LOOK Experimental New Media Gallery 419 New Canterbury Rd (Near Marrickville Rd), Dulwich Hill, Sydney, NSW

WHO: Matt Rochford (AKA ‘Rochy’ from ‘Nerds FC’)

CONTACT: Greg Shapley – Ph: 0401 152 434 EMAIL: dontlookgallery@gmail.com WEB: myspace.com/dontlookgallery

Dulwich Hill DayZZZe

Matt Rochford (AKA ‘Rochy’ from the current season of ‘Nerds FC’) needs somewhere to live for a couple of weeks. I’ve offered him the gallery window. He will, of course, be furnishing it to his liking; installing his bed, TV, the odd pot plant or two and anything else he can fit into this very modest living area.

The downside to this arrangement is that he will be on constant display. He won’t be able to scratch his butt without the whole street seeing. Further, seeing he’s getting this space rent free, Matt will become my circus animal, my freak show. At least eight hours a day a commentator will provide thrilling updates on Matt’s every move. Every itch, every scratch will be analysed and replayed in slo-mo for the public’s edification.

I will also expect Matt to play to the camera and the transient audience. He will put on little performances to get the attention that he craves. He will try his best to communicate to the passing traffic with hand gestures and scribbled signs. Matt will also have houseguests. Come join the show, have a chat to Matt on his laissez-faire talk show. Have your 15 minutes of fame in Don’t Look’s front window.

Join us for Matt’s house warming on July 4. American Independence Day will mark the end of Matt’s independence for the next couple of weeks.

04 PM | 20 Jun

Paul Rogers, Artist Talk June 26/07

F O O T S C R A Y A U D I O – V I S U A L


^_^ eyes and ears together


Paul Rodgers Artist Talk

Tuesday 26 June 6-8pm Pit Theatre, Footscray Arts

Paul Rodgers will be presenting his hand-made optical devices that use new and old projection technologies to make light fill space. While everyone else is asking “what software do you use?” Paul is breaking apart video cameras and 16mm film projectors and re-using them in his sprawling electro-mechanical installations.

BIO: —- Paul Rodgers has a comprehensive background in Media Arts site-specific installation, time based media and performance art practice in the UK and internationally. Since 2004 he has been a prolific VJ in Melbourne, mixing at numerous venues including Loop Bar, St Jerome’s, Revolver, HiFi bar and Ace Morning.

Since 1997, Paul has exhibited mixed media installations at PB Gallery (2000), Stripp Gallery (1999) and the Binary Bar (1997), Melbourne.

Paul Rodgers’ films are represented by Lux (London) and have been screened extensively internationally at venues such as Millennium, New York (2001) and Light Cone, Paris (2001) and at festivals such as the Cote Court, 3e festival du Court Metrage, France (1994) the London Film Festival (1990) and the Polish Short Film Festival, Krakow, (1990). In 2004-05 he showed Spectrum Drum & Spectrum Chart, in the Proof show at ACMI. Paul also exhibited kinetic sound machines during Liquid Architecture 5 and TV EYE ASS in Liquid Architecture 6.

READ ME: ——– FAVSC is a regular meeting place for artists, noise makers, sound-designers, electronics boffins, installation artists, film freaks, VHS geeks, performers, programmers, DIYers, phonographers, photographers, holographers, circuit benders, laptop musicians, curators, producers and anyone with an interest in lo/hi-fi new/old-media art.

TRANSPORT: ———- Take Williamstown/Werribee/Sydenham train from city, alight at Footscray, turn away from the shopping centre on your right, go left over the rail bridge, down Bunbury street until you hit Moreland st, look for the white shipping container

Footscray Arts is located on the Maribyrnong river bicycle path, which crosses the Footscray Road bicycle path from the Melbourne city.

Limited on-site parking available

INFO: —– Paul Rodgers Tuesday 26 June 6-8pm Pit Theatre, Footscray Arts 45 Moreland Street, Footscray

FAVSC is produced by Emile Zile and co-curated by Martyn Coutts, Artists-In-Residence at Footscray Arts. FAVSC is a new media lab program designed to encourage and build relationships with established and emerging new media artists.


<emile> cultureshocktherapist at gmail dot com

12 PM | 20 Jun



Send a post to the anarchy debate – Click here

This debate is a moderated debate forum, open for all kinds of anarchists, not only members/subscribers of the Anarchist International. Anarchism = socialism + autonomy = libertarian, see http://www.anarchy.no/a_e_p_m.html.

The debate is open to individualist anarchists, collectivist anarchists, communist anarchists and social-individualist anarchists and for different aspects such as anarchosyndicalists, anarchafeminists and eco/green anarchists. Platformists (collectivists) to the left and “anarcho”capitalists (individualists) to the right on the economical political map http://www.anarchy.no/a_e_p_m.html, are not really anarchists, and have no place in this debate. “Anarcho”-capitalism, is anarcho-(economical) plutarchy, an oxymoron, and thus not anarchist.

Platformism with majority rule and a central committee is too leftist, marxistoid to be anarchist. Feel free to use a nick-name, or your real name. The editor-group may shorten posts to the debate.