12 PM | 20 Jun

Green drinks for job seekers, Melbourne

Environmental Job Network invites everyone to Green Drinks — Thursday, June 21/07.

If you want to discover some of Melbourne`s hottest bars and talk to other Environmental Job Seekers and Professionals then come along to EJN`s Green Drinks.

This is a great chance for Melbourne employment seekers to informally chat with other environmentally friendly people about jobs, careers, networks and the environment!

Each month will feature drink specials at a different bar and a couple of activities to break the ice. So come along and get to know EJN as well as a range of different people working, volunteering and studying in the environmental field.

This month’s green drinks will be held on Thursday 21 June from 6-8pm at Yak bar in Melbourne – 150 Flinders Lane (corner of Russell Street and Flinders Lane) http://www.yakbarfood.com.au

No RSVP required. For more information please contact info@environmentaljobs.com.au

11 AM | 20 Jun

Workers want Web 2.0

USA – Speakers at the Enterprise 2.0 conference say the next generation of employees will demand workplace access to blogs, wikis, and social networking sites.

Younger employees – like that new batch of university graduates hitting the market right now – are going to be pushing employers to use Web 2.0 technologies on the job. And if their companies don’t start adopting them, younger workers will most likely just start using them on the sly.

“The upcoming generation is going to have a major impact on business. She will expect to have access to her tools in the workplace,” said Marthin De Beer, a senior VP with Cisco Systems.

Read more…

11 AM | 20 Jun

Google set to become carbon neutral

Google has announed its intention to become carbon neutral by the end of 2007. The anouncement was made today in Paris. Full details of Google’s green initiatives are available at: http://www.google.com/corporate/green/energy/

In addition to these wide ranging global initiatives, Google Australia is an active participant in Google’s self-powered commuting scheme. This scheme see employees rewarded for travelling to work by public transport or ‘self-powered’ means (eg bike, skateboard, walking) with a US$100 donation to their chosen charity for every 20 days of participation.

07 PM | 19 Jun

The 2007 Melbourne Scarf Festival

Craft Victoria presents the 2007 Melbourne Scarf Festival, from 28 June – 7 July. ‘Spin’ offers ten full days of workshops, forums, exhibitions, displays, knitting circles and the scarf market.

Featured at Craft Victoria 31 Flinders Lane, Melbourne Tuesday to Saturday, 10am-5pm 03 9650 7775 or visit http://www.craftvic.asn.au

Check out the website for satellite events and workshops!

Knitters for Melbourne’s Needy Inc is a non-profit voluntary association creating new knitwear for Melbourne’s needy. Visit http://home.vicnet.net.au/~kfmn/ Craft Vic encourages scarfmakers to donate a new scarf to this winter cause. Scarves can be posted or dropped off at Craft Vic for delivery to and distribution by, KFMN.