04 PM | 31 May


TECHNICITY ed. Louis Armand & Arthur Bradley ISBN 80-7308-125-3 (paperback). 375pp.


This collection of writings explores the theory and praxis of technicity in contemporary thought. From the ground-breaking explorations of such figures as Freud, Heidegger, Deleuze/Guattari and Derrida to the work of more recent theorists like Bernard Stiegler, Friedrich Kittler and Katherine Hayles, it is becoming possible to speak of a new “technological turn” in contemporary continental theory. Yet despite the plethora of work in the field there has not been any sustained attempt to think through the larger philosophical, cultural and political implications of the new technologies.

n this collection, a group of internationally-known figures within the fields of philosophy, linguistics and cultural studies come together to consider the meaning of “technicity” at the beginning of the 21st century.

Contributors: Bernard Stiegler, Louis Armand, Arthur Bradley, Christopher Johnson, Hartmut Winkler, J. Hillis Miller, Belinda Barnet, Geert Lovink and Kenneth C. Werbin, Darren Tofts, McKenzie Wark, Niall Lucy, Laurent Milesi, Michael Greaney, Mark Amerika.

Arthur Bradley is senior lecturer in the Department of English at Lancaster University. He has published widely on continental philosophy and is the author of Negative Theology and Modern French Philosophy (London: Routledge, 2004).

Louis Armand is director of the InterCultural Studies programme in the Philosophy Faculty of Charles University, Prague. His books include Literate Technologies: Language, Cognition, Technicity; Techne: James Joyce, Hypertext & Technology; and Incendiary Devices: Discourses of the Other.

01 AM | 30 May

Engage Media

PLACE: Southeast Asia, Australia and the Pacific DEADLINE: Ongoing

Engage Media is a video sharing site about social justice and environmental issues in Australia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. EngageMedia aims to demystify and provide access to free and open source video technologies, create an online archive of independent video productions using open content licenses and form a peer network of video makers, educators and screening organizations. To find out more information or become involved with Engage, contact them or visit the website.

E: contact@engagemedia.org URL: http://engagemedia.org

01 AM | 30 May


The 24/7 “Lifecast” of Justin’s (no not Timberlake’s) life and the foundation of a new platform for live online video. Stay tuned Justin rolls out new channels and new features . You can also chat while watching and its fun! Images break up a lot but you can see this type of site becoming very popular! http://www.justin.tv/

01 AM | 30 May


Fleck is a free Web annotation tool for marking up blogs, Web sites, and social networking profiles with little sticky notes. The service launched late last year as a Firefox-only tool and has since added compatibility with Internet Explorer. Fleck, like other annotation tools, can be a dead-simple way to collaborate and leave visual feedback for others without the hassle of software or the complexity of more advanced business collaboration tools.Managing annotations with Fleck is very simple. Just plug a URL from any Web site into Fleck.com and you’re ready to go. You can create and move around small yellow bullets that double as full-sized sticky notes when you expand them. Everything is managed from a floating toolbar that resides on the bottom of your browser window. The toolbar gives you straightforward access to add and share annotations with others. You can send off your notes to someone via e-mail or publish them straight to your blog if you’re a WordPress user and are willing to install the plug-in on the server that’s running your blogging tool.