10 AM | 11 Jul

Aussiecon 4: World Convention of Science Fiction & Fantasy #Melbourne #geekgirl

Entries close: August Screenings: September 2-6 www.aussiecon4.org.au

Aussiecon 4 is the 68th world convention of science fiction and fantasy. This event will be held in Melbourne in early-September and will host 1,500 authors, artists, filmmakers and fans of sci-fi, fantasy and horror from around the world. The organisers are looking to put together a program of Australian sci-fi, fantasy, horror and animated films from the past 5 years.

More Info: fanboy@gmail.com

12 PM | 10 Feb

The Fox and the Crow at Guildford Lane Gallery

At the end of February, Guildford Lane Gallery will feature three artists who place meticulous craftsmanship, aestheticism and a hint of fantasy, at the heart of their work. From February 25 to March 8 2009 first time collaborators Nicole Collins, Amina McPhee and Rhiannon Smith will present The Fox and the Crow, an installation that follows their exploration into the evolution of garment design. Using traditional techniques in unexpected ways, this exhibition entitled The Fox and the Crow moves in a strange, poetic fantasy-world.

The Fox and the Crow, specifically designed for Guildford Lane Gallery, is infused with sculptural characteristics that transform garments into fascinating installation pieces. Inspiration first came to being through Aesop’s fable The Fox and the Crow and the inherent characteristics of animals and creatures of fantasy. These fables display inherent idealistic notions and have a large back-catalogue of visual representation, which have been translated into three-dimensional, garment inspired objects.

Moving well beyond fashion, style and adornment, this constructed realm will include visuals from Chris Cork, James Harmsworth, Dimitri Kalagas and Michael Watson. The visual imagery creates a narrative to support the garments, mixed with a sense of the surreal and absurd, promising to deliver an exhibition of wonder and delight.

WHEN: Exhibition runs February 25 – 8 March 2009 Opens Thursday, February 26 from 6:00pm 12 – 9 Wed to Fri, 12 – 5 Sat & Sun

WHERE: Guildford Lane Gallery 20 – 24 Guildford Lane Melbourne 3000