03 PM | 03 Apr

In the wake of G20 some think of Seattle WTO protests

I suspect no one starts the day thinking they’re going to die. But, as a soldier defending those trounced on by the effects of capitalism perhaps its something that needs to be considered more often.

I received a really long article today emailed in the wake of the G20 protestor who was killed. A very thorough and thoughtful analysis of The Seattle WTO Protests, partly as a reflection and partly as a means to consolidate feelings about why people protest and why some are prepared to defend the rights of the defenseless. It probably makes more sense to those who are actively prepared to put their lives on the line: but I chose to use a snippet which kind of sums up how bad it is for others and how good it is for some. !

November 30, 1999

One seventeen-year-old girl grabbed by an aging trucker for “mindlessly” smashing a GAP window subjected him to a thirty second diatribe: “Immigrant Asian women are lured to Saipan to work a seven-day week fenced in with barbed wire, they’re forbidden to even take a piss while they sew these fucking clothes!” she yelled.

“Teenage girls in Honduras work 14-hour shifts for 50 cents an hour and Chinese migrant women in Russia earn less than a quarter of that making this stuff. Chief Executive Millard Dexter earns $24,000 an hour—that’s $47 million a year—and GAP Chairman Donald Fisher is worth $8 billion. This company spends over $500 million a year advertising this shit while its workers starve. Don’t call me fucking mindless!”

He stood in stunned silence as glass rained down around him. “Pick up a brick, asshole!” someone shouted. For a minute he looked like he was considering it.

The People’s Republications of CrimethInc. P.O. Box 2133 Greensboro NC 27402 www.crimethinc.com

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