04 PM | 04 Sep

World Congress on Animal Testing Alternatives

We are seeking a better way.

We are seeking a better way

I just started following the Humane Society on Twitter + stumbled across the fact they’ve just wrapped up this conference [yay them!]:

“From August 30 through September 3, 2009, scientists and others committed to the advancement of alternatives to animal testing and experimentation—including senior staff from Humane Society International and our sister organizations—will gather in Rome, Italy for the Seventh World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences.

The motto for this Congress is “Calling on Science,” a title that emphasizes the fact that scientific advances are the foundation of progress towards the ultimate replacement of animals in safety testing and other types of laboratory experiments. This year marks a number of key milestones and setbacks along the road to replacement, including the 50th anniversary of the book that launched the modern alternatives movement, the second phase of the European Union marketing ban on animal-tested cosmetics, and first wave of testing under the EU’s “REACH” chemicals regulation, which is projected to spell suffering and death for up to 20 million animals.”

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