03 PM | 09 Jan

Blog: Politicians Failing Whales #fb #geekgirl #fail #whales

One of the things that most annoys me about politics is the destruction the political system leaves in its wake. And why no matter whom we seem to vote for, all groups and individuals should be judged on the immediacy of what they do, and how they can mitigate the risk of inheriting the rubbish of former regimes. Simple, but having integrity is a great place to start!

I think this would have to be a universal doctrine of how one calculates the success of the incumbent. With a lot more scrutiny, immediacy and distribution of communication, we ‘the people’ are able to denounce the tardy, stupid, ineffectual and incompetent politicians we vote for.

We can’t seem to win: the right royal bunglers of this world just keep on coming. I think this may have to do with the type of people who work in Government and the type of people it attracts. Certainly, I’ve been told a good many times it’s hard to get good people in Gov’t: but surely there needs to be a bit more of a litmus test employed when employing people.

My vote for bad pollie of the week: it’s a close tie between the procrastinating K.Rudd dud (http://twitter.com/KevinRuddPM) or that arrogant plonker twit (http://twitter.com/TonyAbbottMHR). The latter got into the hot-seat by lying, the former making noise (centre-right) until he too can potentially lie legitimately. I doubt Australians are mad enough to vote for Abbott, who has a track record of not being able to separate Church from State, and btw looks shockin’ in his speedos!

Rudd refuses to get legal with the Japanese (who sank the Sea Shepherd‘s Ady Gil) even though he keeps making veiled threats to do so, and leaving Ms Julia Gillard (Julia.Gillard.MP@aph.gov.au) in charge (who now also makes veiled threats on his behalf).

Abbott doesn’t want to offend or hurt the Japanese Gov’t feelings. OMG perhaps he can organise a pity party!! #fail

It’s just crap city for the whales, being killed illegally by the Japanese in the Southern Oceans for meat. Leaving little choice for direct action groups like Sea Shepherd or Bob Barker, who are having to up the ante on gaining attention to save and defend whales.

I’m amazed no one has been killed, and I think this has more to do with sheer bloody luck than strategy or intention.

We have to continue to speak on behalf of animals, and we have to continue to let politicians know they are not doing a good enough job!!

I don’t care about Kevin Rudd climbing rocks (on Cradle Mountain) with his kids on holiday. Get off down the mountain Kev and do some bloody work! You made election promises you won’t keep!

Veiled threats are causing the situation to escalate by not having the courage as a Gov’t to defend Southern Ocean whales and Australian citizens. I am disgusted by your ineffectiveness K.Rudd and that’s why you get my vote for shit pollie of the week!


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