10 AM | 12 Feb

Prepare Yourselves… #GuestEditorInDaHouse #GeekGirl #YesIAmTotallyUnshiny

Prepare Yourself For The Content Curation OnslaughtSo here we are, again: you, me and a flippant-memegenerator.net-produced image that references a slightly outdated [but still highly heh-worthy] meme.  And for those of you asking “Um, what? Who the feck are you and how come you’re net-jacking our beloved geekgirl stream?!” then settle down, take a chill-pill [you should be thankful that I didn’t actually type “chillax” instead] + let the lovely staccato tones of my soothing net presence guide you down a slightly stained and always left-of-centre comprehension path.

Back in 2009 our illustrious Editor-in-Chief [Mz @rosiex herself] allowed me to splather your feeds with all things quirky, glitchy and weirdo-beardo-y *ahem*. And now she’s decided to let me at it [ie you] again, only this time I’m coming out from behind my Wizard-of-Oz-ish admin invisibility cloak and have decided to inject several of my net-personas into the mix.

Most of the time I’ll stay outta the way of the wondrous posted content that will shine brighter than any JJ Abrams lens-flare, but sometimes you’ll find “Mez Breeze” raising her artistically-inclined head [watch for the e-lit stuff and more serious social commentary blurbs].  Other times you’ll be graced with Netwurker’s “And not a single f*ck was given that day” presence [with lots of square-brackets, “+”s, warped punctuation and other creatively twisted greeble].

So let’s get down to tin-tacks and do this sheete, shall we?


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