09 AM | 25 Feb

“When one if prepared, difficulties do not come.” [#Solution] [#geekgirl]

So all this video shows is two guys simply fixing a tyre puncture – not very technical [or geeky], right? Well, I’d counter that the innovation and curiosity required to arrive at such a practical, functional solution is one that is sadly being undervalued in top heavy capital driven societies, with one of the problems facing us lucky-but-perpetually-indulgent 1st world citizens being a lack of established emphasis on grassroots know-how.

Just think about how many of us allow ourselves to dwell daily in institutionalised RedTapesVille that we lose valuable hand-me-down and/or tinkering based skills [like fixing a bike tire with practically nothing].  It seems the more consumer drivel [or moolah mounds] we have, the less we care about the mechanics of tools or the processes involved in actually fixing – rather than discarding – stuff, not to mention the ways we can reuse other items/components in unconventional ways.

The more time poor yet financially rich we become [thanks, overtly-long-commuting-times or endless-wastage-of-cognitive-potential-due-to-daily-puff-meetings-where-half-the-time-is-caught-up-“discussing”-hollow-strategies-or-procedural-pap], the more we lose touch with innovative hands on [and small scale] solutions. Let’s instead try to find gorgeously simply fixes rather than simply perpetuating the ugly cycle of overconsumption [throw-away + buy-again] culture, yes?

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