05 PM | 12 Jul

X|Media|Lab Melbourne

X|Media|Lab Melbourne August 10-12th”Digital Worlds: Social, Virtual, Mobile”

Shekhar Kapur and Beijing’s Cyber Recreation District “Digital Worlds: Social, Virtual, Mobile”

One of the world’s most famous filmmaker’s, Shekhar Kapur, the Director of ‘Elizabeth’ (9 Academy Award nominations), and co-founder of Virgin Animation and Virgin Comics, is coming to Melbourne as a Keynote Speaker and International Mentor.

A delegation from the Beijing Cyber Recreation District, the largest digital media industry development initiative in China, is also participating at XML Melbourne. The Founder and CEO, the Chairman, and the VP of Technology, from CRD will be keynoting and mentoring at the Lab. They are also exploring potential commercial relationships and joint ventures with digital media companies. A reciprocal delegation is being planned to participate at the X|Media|Lab Beijing in December 2007 on “Games and Animation”.

“Digital Worlds: Social, Virtual, Mobile” XML Melbourne focuses on digital media’s spectacularly emerging platforms of what are essentially new forms of community-building. Traditional media has been organized around a single principle: that “Content is King”. Whoever owns and controls the production and distribution of content therefore rules.

XML Melbourne explores the shift from the primacy of “content providers” to the primacy of “community creators”, in which the community members themselves are active providers of their own content. Beyond the traditional provision of tin-canned content and its regulated consumption, what is emerging now are self-creating and self-organizing communities and audiences who speak for and between themselves. This can take the form of social networking interaction, game play in virtual worlds, web video sharing, mobile and instant messaging, etc

XML Melbourne summarizes these digital media dislocations under three broad headings: social networks, virtual worlds, and mobile communities.

See the website for full details, speaker bios and more info. www [dot] xmedialab [dot] com

04 PM | 10 Jul

World Internet Project meeting


Second Life on the agenda at World Internet Project meeting

The online virtual world Second Life is attracting significant interest from business and service industry sectors throughout the world according to Mandy Salomon, Senior Researcher at the Smart Internet Cooperative Research Centre at Swinburne.

“Big name brands such as IBM, Dell, ING, Telstra, and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation have entered this immersive environment,” she said.

“This virtual world is emerging as a test bed for new ideas, where real world prototypes can be released at low cost, with direct feedback from users significantly enriching the design process and leading to innovative or unexpected results.

“The process is enhanced by the nature of its residents who, typically, are techno-savvy, playful and demonstrate a high receptivity to new ideas.”

Ms Salomon will discuss doing business in Second Life at the first meeting in Australia of international researchers involved in the World Internet Project from 10-12 July, which examines the cultural, political and social impact of the Internet .

She will look at the local Australian scene and indicate key opportunities and threats for businesses to consider.

The World Internet project is a continuing, comparative study of Net uptake and use around the world, involving universities in 28 countries.


12 PM | 10 Jul

Schimpfluch Gruppe


F O O T S C R A Y   A U D I O – V I S U A L

S O C I A L   C L U B

^_^                         eyes and ears together


Schimpfluch Gruppe (SWITZERLAND) Artist Talk

Friday 13 July 7-9pm Hydra, Footscray Arts

FAVSC is honoured to host the artist talk of Schimpfluch Gruppe (Dave Philips and Rudolf Eb.Er) on the eve of their tour of Australia and New Zealand. An uncompromising experimental performance group that had its genesis in Switzerland in the mid-eighties, Schimpfluch Gruppe are exponents of “psycho-physical tests and trainings”, a methodology of extreme duration and extreme physicality in performance. Pushing the body to its limits in a live context, Dave and Rudolf will present video footage rarely seen outside of Europe. This is a unique opportunity to gain insights into the origins, motivation and desires of Switzerland’s influential Schimpfluch Gruppe.

READ ME: ——– FAVSC is a regular meeting place for artists, noise makers, sound-designers, electronics boffins, installation artists, film freaks, VHS geeks, performers, programmers, DIYers, phonographers, photographers, holographers, circuit benders, laptop musicians, curators, producers and anyone with an interest in lo/hi-fi new/old-media art.

TRANSPORT: ———- Take Williamstown/Werribee/Sydenham train from city, alight at Footscray, turn away from the shopping centre on your right, go left over the rail bridge, down Bunbury street until you hit Moreland st, look for the white shipping container

Footscray Arts is located on the Maribyrnong river bicycle path, which crosses the Footscray Road bicycle path from the Melbourne city.

Limited on-site parking available

INFO: —– Schimpfluch Gruppe (SWITZERLAND) Friday 13 July 7-9pm Hydra, Footscray Arts 45 Moreland Street, Footscray

FAVSC is produced by Emile Zile and co-curated by Martyn Coutts, Artists-In-Residence at Footscray Arts. FAVSC is a new media lab program designed to encourage and build relationships with established and emerging media artists.


<emile> cultureshocktherapist at gmail dot com

BEFRIEND US: http://www.myspace.com/favsc KNOW MORE:   http://www.footscrayarts.com


F O O T S C R A Y   A U D I O – V I S U A L

S O C I A L   C L U B

^_^                         eyes and ears together


— Emile Zile http://artnews.info/emilezile http://emilezile.com/news.html