06 PM | 02 Jul


SCARLET STILETTO – THE FIRST CUT 8pm Friday August 3 – Leo’s Spaghetti Bar, 55 Fitzroy Street, St Kilda, Melbourne

Scarlet Stiletto – The First Cut, an anthology of prize-winning stories from Sisters in Crime’s national short story competition, is currently the No. 1 top selling book at Target in Miranda, Sydney and has been No. 2 at Target in Melbourne CBD.

Sigrid Thornton will launch the book at 8pm Friday August 3 at Leo’s Spaghetti Bar, St Kilda, Melbourne.

The 374 page large-format paperback published by Mira Books includes 26 stories by Tara Moss, Cate Kennedy, Kerry Munnery, Josephine Pennicott, Julie Waight, Jacqui Horwood, Louise Connor, Margaret Pollock, Dianne Gray, Christina Lee, Liz Cameron, Roxxy Bent, Sarah Evans, Inga Simpson, Ann Penhallurick, Liz Filleul, Margaret Bevege, Phyl O’Regan, Bronwyn Blake, Ronda Bird, Janis Spehr, Siobhan Mullany and more.

Sisters in Crime had established the competition in 1994 to detect undiscovered female criminal literary talent.

“Over 13 years, there’s been 1495 entries, 468 short-listed stories, 13 trophy winners, 91 category awards and 65 special commendations,” she said.

“The stories run the full gamut from murder and mayhem to death by the careful application of household dust. Some will have your blood running cold, some will raise gooseflesh while others will have you laughing your head off… but all will have you on the edge of your seat wanting more. The most enduring theme is revenge, usually against husbands.

The 14th Scarlet Stiletto Awards close on August 31, 2007. The entry fee is $10. Entry forms are available by writing to Sisters in Crime, GPO Box 5319, Melbourne 3001 or via the website: http://home.vicnet.net.au/~sincoz/

05 PM | 02 Jul

What is culture?


What is culture? Simply, it is the culmination of shared values, assumptions, and beliefs tacitly and/or explicitly expressed within an organization. Why is it important to understand? Because, it determines how people behave and how work gets done. Let’s consider how values and beliefs drive behavior using a consumer analogy: I need milk. The convenience store is closer than the grocery store (I value my time), but it is more expensive (I’m frugal). The grocery store offers more options (I value choice). I decide choice and price are more important than convenience, so I drive to the grocery store. While there, I evaluate my options: Whole milk is tasty, but I am weight conscious so I eliminate that option. While I am frugal, I am also health conscious. Although soy milk is more expensive it has additional perceived health benefits, so I choose soy. While, at some point, these decisions were conscious, as long as all factors remain the same and the reward for my behavior is greater than the cost, I continue to behave consistently and, eventually, subconsciously. What happens when my grocery store discontinues soy milk, the price goes up, or traffic becomes unbearable? Suddenly, I am forced to re-evaluate my behaviors to stay consistent with my values in order to achieve the outcome I find desirable.

Darci Riesenhuber Transformation Architect tompeters!company


05 PM | 02 Jul


Join OC for a spectacular evening celebrating over 3 decades of supporting Victorian filmmakers, with special guest Julia Zemiro (‘RocKwiz’, ‘It Takes Two’)

Thursday 5 July 2007, 7:00pm – 11:00pm OPEN CHANNEL SHED 4, North Wharf Road Victoria Harbour, Docklands Melbourne Melways Ref 2E:7D  Parking available

Dress Code: Winter warehouse glamour

RSVP: rsvp@openchannel.org.au  /  03 8610 9300 by Wednesday 4 July

Featuring > URBAN ART AGENDA #1<, an exhibition of international stencil art, Melbourne Design Festival 5 – 15 July

05 PM | 02 Jul

Robotic glove lets users feel images

Wearer can take hold of 3D images.

A subsidiary of NTT has developed the technology to make 3D images viewable without special equipment, and a glove that allows users to ‘feel’ the images.

NTT Comware has developed what it calls ‘Tangible-3D Technology’, which uses twin cameras to produce an easily viewed 3D image. A glove loaded with sensors can then be passed over the image to let the user feel the shape and texture.

“This technology reproduces the physical feel of 3D video at a remote location as well as allowing the viewer to reach out and ‘touch’ the person or object on the screen by means of a special device,” said the company in a statement.


05 PM | 02 Jul

Digital Art Prize 2008

Piemonte Share Award: Digital Art Prize 2008

Piemonte Share Festival announces the second edition of the Share Prize 2008 for digital art. The competition jury will award a prize of $2,500 to the work (published or unpublished) which best represents experimentation between arts and new technologies.

The candidates for the prize will be guests at the 4th edition of the Share Festival, taking place in Turin March 2008 at the Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti, Turin.  The contest is open to any Italian and foreign artist using digital technology as a language of creative expression, in all its shapes and formats and in combination with analogue technologies and/or any other material (i.e. computer animation / visual effects, digital music, interactive art, net art, software art, live cinema/vj, audiovisual performance, etc.). Each artist or group can enter up to 3 works. Artists who are part of a group participating in the contest may also enter up to 3 individual works.  Please visit the Piemonte Share Festival website for more information and online registration.

Application Deadline: 30 September, 2007 URL: http://www.toshare.it