09 AM | 18 Sep

Help save orang-utans and help save ourselves #donate #geekgirl

orphaned orangutans


Please give generously to help these awesome orang-utans.


Stay in touch and informed and ย how you can help locally; via Australian Zoos. And contribute to the Zoos Victoria Foundation Orang-utan Conservation Fund.

Editor’s note: Animals in all shapes and sizes humble us. Even the little mouse that has inhabited our home makes me smile. Not because she poos everywhere and eats our cheese and chocolate. It’s because she is small, vulnerable and like us all, scurries around just trying to survive. Each time you help an animal cause you help humanity understand the great chain of connections we have to each other, and the richness we all share while alive. Loving animals is a sign of loving ourselves. *HUGS* GG ๐Ÿ™‚

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